Our GICs

Our Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) provide your clients with safe and flexible investment options. Because they are guaranteed to keep what is invested, while still earning competitive interest, they're widely considered an important component of a well-balanced portfolio.

Rates on GICs offered by B2B Bank are among the most competitive in the industry. In fact, great rates together with exceptional service have helped us become one of Canada’s largest distributors of broker deposit products. Our GICs are a popular fixed-income option for diversified portfolios.

B2B Bank offers a full suite of GIC products, available for both registered and non-registered accounts, with features that include rate guarantees and the choice of interest payment dates. Best of all, you can offer your clients GICs that are eligible for Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) coverage from a unique set of four issuers, all under one roof and all separate members of CDIC: B2B Bank, Laurentian Bank, Laurentian Trust and LBC Trust. That translates into potential coverage of up to $400,000.

If the issuing financial institution (hereafter the "Financial institution") is a bank or trust company, the following will apply:

  • When several individuals act as the depositor and payment is scheduled to be made to one or another party involved, any payment made as such constitutes full and final release for the Financial institution.
  • When the investment is made on behalf of several depositors and the investment carries a right of survivorship, the depositors agree that the Financial institution, on presentation of proof of death, shall refund the investment balance to the survivors or sole survivor, whichever the case. This refund shall be made according to the written instructions of the survivors or sole survivor. (Not applicable to Quebec residents)
  • The Financial institution can, at any time, without notifying the depositor, assign the account to another person. This person may be called on to retain personal information, in compliance with applicable laws, for a certain length of time.
  • This investment is non-negotiable and cannot be assigned to a person other than the Financial institution.
  • If the maturity date falls on a non-business day for B2B Bank, the term may be extended to the next business day and interest will be accrued up to, but not including, said business day.
  • The Financial institution may elect to invest or lend the investment on behalf of the depositor, separately or jointly, with its own or other people's funds, in one or more eligible securities or claims provided for by applicable laws, including those issued by the subsidiaries affiliated with the Financial institution.
  • The Financial institution may change its investments or loans at its discretion and at any time.
  • The Financial institution shall retain, as compensation, any interest or profit earned on investments or loans that exceed the interest payable to the depositor.
  • The Financial institution guarantees that the investment balance will be refunded in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined herein and in any other applicable document.
  • The investment is insurable by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). Only investments held in Canadian dollars for terms of five (5) years or less are insurable by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation.
  • Depositors have ten (10) business days to cancel or modify the conditions of the investment as of the renewal or issue date.
  • All applicable fees are listed on the fee schedule provided by your advisor. For more information about fees, depositors can contact Client Services at 1.800.263.8349 or visit Fees on our website. Fees may apply depending on where the account is held.
  • For concerns or complaints, talk to your dealer who has the ability to act on your behalf with regard to your account.  For B2B Bank related complaints, please visit the Problem Resolution Process on our website.